Okay, as you guys really excited of, it's Hari Raya Aidilfitri! It's Muslim's celebration. And here am I, posting a post about Hari Raya of course. Wait, firstly, I'm sorry for some long and quite time. You guys understand me right why I didn't post anything.. But oh well.
Okay, I really really want to post about the first Ramadhan and yes, I've missed it. Damn oh damn. My first Ramadhan was so busy with cleaning the house, buying stuffs and apparently going back to my hostel. So, my excuses were really accepted. But somehow, it doesn't feel right....... :/
Let bygone be bygone. Let's start a new chapter, shall we?
Today is officially August 19th 2012. And at the same time, it is 1 Syawal 1433H. Congratulations to all Muslim who really really succeed on fasting about a month! And to me too hihihihihi. So, the real point is... I wanna take this opportunity to say that...
- I'm so sorry for all my behaving, my wrongdoings and everything. I am really really sorry. People are not perfect and who does? Only Allah. Sometimes, people were not actually happy and satisfy with me being myself. And I can deal with that. I'm also sorry for being such a crap and shit sometimes. I will try to change myself to a better person. I will :)
That is it. I will try to keep my words on changing myself. Will try to... pray for me ok? Oh yes another one, be happy on this becoming Hari Raya. Don't waste a single moment on being so miserable. Life's awesome, have one :)