two wonderful & amazing people ever lived

assalamualaikum x

its march already. oh god tell me why time flies so fast. so, its been 3 months since my last post. sorry for that tho. currently, i'm singing a happy love song. i can't even describe what i feel right now, my heart. it feels so..... happy. so yeah it is true that music can change your mood, anytime. and i thank god for that. actually, i don't have any specific topic to write today.. so, just enjoy.

today: i over slept. and my head felt so dizzy. and i hardly get out of my bed. but somehow i manage to get up and go on. it was a boring day for me...... as nothing special happen. the usual routine, the internet. twittering, youtube-ing.. well nothing much. so, i've decided to sign in my tumblr. and guess what, idk why but mother's and father's still haven't come yet right? so here what i found and actually felt something about it..

okay guys, so here's a part of what i see in tumblr. so yeah.. somehow, it touched my heart. not to say that i am really bad to my parents, it just that.. it is true that, we always wanted our parents to understand us as we are teenagers, we are growing up, we want that, we want this, we want those. but, have we ever think about them? how hard they work from daylight to midnight? just for giving, and pleasuring their children at home? we often forget that, they also growing too, growing old. and one day, they are gonna leave us.. sooner or later, it will. have we ever think about that? maybe, we surely do but.. have we ever take serious on that? i bet no. ya for sure, because, in school, we didn't struggle that hard in studies, we play.. and so much more. we hated our parents when something wrong. we hated them, we even mock them sometimes.. it is really good to be like that? okay honestly, who doesn't even once, fight back when our parents say? who never rebel when they made a decision for us? they said these thingy are normal but..... have you ever felt their feelings? they love us.. they really do. why must we, as their children, paid them back like that bad? people always said that, they never understand us. but boo, they once a teenager too. they have been through life more than us. they know what best for us. and yet, we still hate them, mock them. what a bad children..

tbh, i am just the same like other child too. i once hated them, i once broke their heart.. and yeah, too many. but somehow, i realized that, it was my fault. they know what best for me. and yes, i am crying right now for what i have done to them in my life.. they gave me so much, so damn much of everything.. but still, i am stupid for not giving my best in school, not giving my best of being a good child. what if, one day, they are gonna leave me. i mean, in this particular time? and i swear to god, i can't live without them. i felt so, so bad for them. i wish, i can change to be more thankful. be more nice, be more.. you know. be the best and make them proud of me. how i really wish, to tell them, i really really do love them. more than anything. more than anything everything.. 

p/s: ibu & ayah, adah loves you guys so much. i could die for you guys. i really could. i'm so sorry for being such a bad child, and i wish you guys can read this post....... xx